
Generally, the same common-sense guidelines for behaviour apply in the naturist world as in the clothed world. Be polite and respect the rights of others. When visiting a club, make sure you understand the rules specific to that club.
Gawking is impolite. It is OK to look but always rude to stare (particularly with binoculars or through a camera).
For sanitary reasons, sit on a towel when using public seats or benches.
Respect the environment. Stay out of dunes or other environmentally sensitive areas. We can lose access to CO areas by damaging the environment.
Help keep the area clean. In clubs, use the trash cans. On CO beaches, bring your own trash bag. Leave the beach cleaner than when you arrived.
Get dressed when leaving established nude areas. Naturists are not trying to offend anyone.
Follow all parking regulations and other posted rules.
Do not engage in overt sexual activity.
Respect the property of others.
Get the permission of subjects before taking pictures. In clubs, check out club rules on photography before bringing out your camera.
Respect the privacy of others. Many people come to enjoy nature and don't want to be disturbed. It is good to be friendly, but take your cues from their response and body language.
Speak up for standards. If you see people who are violating the accepted standards, please explain to them clearly and politely just how they are violating the rules and what the proper behaviour is.
There are a few considerations of etiquette which are accepted among most nudists. They are listed here for reference and for the benefit of newcomers.
It is a good idea to secure an invitation before dropping in on a nudist club. This usually means writing or telephoning ahead of time. Strangers who show up unexpectedly may be turned away.
Honesty is the best policy. If you are sincere, most clubs will be happy to have you visit. Deceptive stories about why you want to become a nudist are not necessary. Give accurate information in your initial letter to a club and on your membership application.
A a lot of clubs, married people must join with their spouse. Some clubs have a no singles policy while others are more liberal towards single members. It is always better to ask in advance rather than to run the risk of being turned away at the gate. In most instances, single couples (male and female) are just as welcome as married couples.
For business or personal reasons some nudists may wish to remain anonymous and will introduce themselves using first names only. You should respect their privacy and they will do the same for you. It is you that nudists care about. Your personality will determine the number of friends you make at a nudist park, just as at any other social function.
Nudist parks seek to maintain a family atmosphere. Innocent expressions of affection among family members and friends are commonplace, but overt sexuality is not condoned. Unseemly behavior of any kind is out of place and will not be tolerated.
Photography is usually taboo. All clubs have strict rules governing photography. Most nudists are camera-shy and it is inexcusable to take a photo of anyone without permission. Don't take your camera to a club without checking all of the rules governing photography.
Observe all of the clubs posted rules. They are for your protection as well as for the safety and enjoyment of all concerned. Some of the more common rules are simple: Watch your children, they are your responsibility at all times. Sit on a towel for sanitary reasons. Shower carefully before using the swimming pools and hot tubs. Respect the rights of others. Respect the club property and keep it clean. Leave your pets at home.
Be as friendly and as open as possible and others will do the same.
last week i had the opportunity to visit a clothing optional camp near k.c. mo. i truly enjoyed the experience, but was a bit concerned when a family showed up and proceeded to undress including a couple of youg girls approximately 2 yrs and 10 yrs old, who also became nude. i was not interested in seeing them, but was concerned about the legal implications that could arise from young people being nude in front of many adults. as i said, i really enjoyed my visit, but must asmit that i was aprehensive about that. i myself love to be nude, but that did make me much more modest. any comments or help with this situation?
last week i had the opportunity to visit a clothing optional camp near kc mo, i truly enjoyed the experience, but was concerned when a family showed up and proceeced to undress including a couple of young girls approximately 2 yrs and 10 yrs old, who also became nude. i was not interested in seeing them, but was concerned about the legal ramnifications that could arise from young people being nude in front of adults. as i said, i really enjoyed my visit, but must admit that i was apprehensive about that. i myself love to be nude and especially outdoors, but that did make me become much more modest, just didn't feel right being nude in front of young children. any comments or suggestions about this situation?
sorry, redundant, didn't know it posted
I have been to many family oriented nudist resorts where children of all ages are present. Children must enter with a parent or adult who is responsible for them. There is nothing illegal about anyone of any age being naked in a nudist resort. Of course any sexual activity with children, as always IS illegal, but nudity does not equal sexuality. I personally do not mind being around naked children, in fact find them beautiful in their youthfullness and naturalness. I think in our society most people are so charged up about the issue of child pornography that a naked child makes us nervous. This is sad but true I guess.
See my blog about this them and others at
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